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Chase Design Process: Part 1 of 3: Listen

Posted on: February 2nd, 2016 by Chase Design

Step 1 in our 3 part design process is to “Listen.”

“I Like to Listen. I Have Learned a Great Deal from Listening Carefully.” – Ernest Hemingway

At the beginning of a potential collaboration, it’s very important to carefully listen to the client in order to add value to the consultation, manage expectations, determine the scope of the project and set proper timelines and milestones, all of which will eventually be documented in a “creative brief.”

Here are a few questions that we would typically ask in this part of the process:

Who is your target audience (how will we communicate with them)?
What are the client’s goals?
How do you want the user to feel?
What are the main calls of action?
What kind of timeline is involved (are there any critical dates)?


See the entire Chase Design 3 step design process here.