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AIGA San Diego Y16 Design Conference

Posted on: January 28th, 2011 by Chase Design

Be inspired by your surroundings. Everything you see. Everything you hear. Everything you experience. Soak in everything. Take it in and breathe out. Be passionate. Conspire with one another. Awaken the Spark inside you at Y16.

Spark new ideas.

The AIGA San Diego Y16 Conference brings together industry thinkers, innovators and change-makers for two days of creativity and collaboration. Keynote speakers like Chris Dooley, Co-founder and Creative Director, National Television, and Aaron Draplin of Draplin Design Co. will share their insights to inspire and empower. And now for the first time, we’re offering hands-on Thinkshops during both days of the conference, so you have double the opportunity to engage and mix it up with your fellow attendees.

Join us for two days, Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26, 2011 at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice on the beautiful campus of the University of San Diego. Incredible speakers. New friends. Engaging insights. Sound like fun? Then join us and ignite the Spark within.

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