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The New Chase Design Website Has Launched!

Posted on: August 22nd, 2015 by Aaron Nabus

Landing on the moon in 1969.

Doug Flutie’s Hail Mary pass vs. Miami in 1984.

Apple becoming more profitable than Microsoft in 2011.

Chase Design launching their new website in 2015.

Yes – miracles do indeed happen!

Amid numerous projects and deadlines, such as our recent work for one of our clients, Steve Clarkson Dreammaker, who has just signed a multi-year partnership with Adidas, we somehow found the time to update our online presence.


We would like to commemorate the start of this new chapter in Chase Design history by paying homage to someone who was instrumental to the start of Chase Design itself, particularly our logo – Doyald Young, a logo and typography pioneer and legend.

He graciously provided guidance to Chris Chase, CEO and Principal at Chase Design when Chris was a graphic design student at San Diego State University. You can read more about this endearing story here.

As you can see in this “Creative Inspirations” video Doyald Young: Logotype Designer, where his life story and working method is profiled – if there was ever a Mount Rushmore for Graphic Designers, Doyald Young would definitely be a candidate to be up there with the likes of Saul Bass, Paul Rand, Milton Glaser, and Stefan Sagmeister.


Pizzaz and flair will only get you so far. Nobody wants a cool looking building that doesn’t have a strong foundation and structure. Doyald Young embodied what the Chase Design team strives for every day, the importance of understanding fundamental design principles and having the passion to continually hone one’s craft – especially now that we have launched our new website!

Thank you for continuing on this journey with us. We are looking forward to Creating Success with you!