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Our Services

Strategic Planning
and Operational Planning Services

Setting up your startup or business with a Strategic Plan matters – especially at the start!

Can you imagine what the United States would be like if the founding fathers never put in the effort to develop The Constitution?

In the early stages of starting a business, a strategic plan is your most valuable constitutional document – more so than your operating plan!

It lays the groundwork for the foundational documentation process – where your Vision, Mission and Value documents will be developed and how they tie together. It will also help shape how you view your brand and how you will market to investors and your future customers.

Surprisingly, many ventures do not consider the critical connections between these essential building blocks. Those that do have a better chance of flourishing, thanks to a well developed game plan.

Strategic plans need to be thorough and are best utilized in the beginning to set a precedent. A hard course correction on strategy, even a few months later after launch, can sometimes be catastrophic to a startup.

At Chase Design, we are a team of experts that can help you navigate the challenges that are a part of the strategic planning process.

Chase Design offers the following services for your success:

Strategic Planning – Concept to Startup (The Full Suite)

  • Foundational Alignment Exercise – Thorough review of concept, mission, vision, values, and branding strategy
  • Structured Project Management of Strategic Imperatives Development and corresponding supporting documentation
  • Investor caliber presentation for your strategy to success

Strategic Consulting – At Your Service

  • Review of your already developed plan
  • Identify critical improvement opportunities relative to the vision and mission of your enterprise
  • Document actionable improvement suggestions and opportunities

Because we were once a startup too, we understand the demands that are placed on executive leadership.

Utilizing the agility, flexibility and high-level thinking that we use on a daily basis to build brands, we’re here to serve as your resource and sounding board. To get you where you need to be. Your venture can soar without the burden of taking on a big commitment with a overpriced consulting firm.

 Operational Consulting Services

As your business matures, so should your decision making. More often than not, the demands of everyday operations do not allow leaders to step back and evaluate mission critical decisions as carefully as they can or should.

Businesses are under pressure to perform and ultimately to produce results. In some cases, seemingly simple decisions can be costly or damaging to a business.

Overspending and underspending are both opportunities that can create losses. Our job in this space, is to empower you to make sound decisions at the right time.

At Chase Design, we use models that help us to grow our business conservatively and organically. These models are adaptable and measurable to the risk profile YOU desire.

We encourage you to think about the following decisions and how they may impact your overall brand and ultimately your operating plan:

Capital equipment spending:

  • Human resource spending
  • Presence and Brand Imagery
  • Training

Although this list is not exhaustive by any means, we challenge you to reflect on when you last made these decisions and what was the impact.

We have insight into when these decisions should be made and will share our expertise with you and your organization.

We offer these services to meet your operational excellence goals:

  • Operational spending impact analysis
  • Projected spending impact analysis
  • Branding, marketing, and presence integrity tool
  • Various decision models to meet the needs of each department

Let’s Create Success Together!

At Chase Design, our “Create Success” motto has been a cornerstone of our decision making for as long as we have been in business. We believe that the time and effort that we invested in our own Strategic and Operating Plans have been instrumental in our own success.

As your partner, your success is our success – let’s create it together!

Consultations regarding our strategic and operational services are always available, no matter what stage of development your business is in. And if we can add value and create a more successful and profitable business for you, or give you the head start that only those who have lived it can offer, we are there for you.

Please give us an opportunity to bid and earn your business!


"At Chase Design, our design process, used to help focus on solutions to your branding and marketing challenges, is quite simple: Listen. Plan. Execute.
This is the formula for Creating Success for our clients!"

- Chris Chase

Chase Design successfully helps our clients reach their full potential in the following areas.
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